Integration Testing Continues

We’re continuing to dogfood our integration between our WordPress site and the wider network. Currently, we’re using three plugins together to make it work: ActivityPub for WordPress, Friends, and Enable Mastodon Apps.

This trio allows us to use our site’s Actor to post microblogging statuses to the rest of the network, through a plethora of Mastodon clients. We’re still ironing out kinks, filing bug reports, and providing feedback!

One Comment

  1. Our long-term goal is to move our primary social identity into our publication itself. This is pretty experimental, and there are some open questions as to how we’ll end up making everything work. A big concern involves making this scale decently in a self-hosted environment: if we migrate our identity and several thousand followers, is this going to break stuff?

    We’re cautiously optimistic, and testing the waters.

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